Thursday, October 2, 2008

I Took the Pledge...

I Took The Handmade Pledge!

Yes, of course. Not only do I make handcrafted things, but so does my partner and half my friends, and this year I plan to make the holiday resplendent with beautiful handmade things. I have encouraged family and friends to either shop at local galleries, crafts shows, or go online to I also support Fair Trade and will allow items made by craftspeople in other countries as long as it's fair trade.


leah - moxiethrift on etsy said...

i need to take this pledge too! thanks for the reminder!!!

Sarah J. said...

Last year I wasn't quite prepared enough to take the pledge, but I think I will for sure this year :)

If I can't make everything myself (which I doubt since I am not wonderwoman) I for sure can buy some the lovely things I've been eyeing for months over on Etsy!

Longfellow said...

I agree! And so I really really really hope to adhere to it 100%. Even my son, who is of the age that usually wants commercial junk, likes to collect original art, so I'm lucky there.