Yesterday was exciting at Etsy in that my latest treasury, the one I mentioned in the previous posting, made it to the front page for about half an hour. I garnered some hearts which was nice - means that people do visit the curator of a treasury, and I noticed that three of the items I featured sold, which makes me feel all puffed up with pride for being a good Etsian. I can only hope such good fortune is contagious. So last night, with an another packet of new beads in hand, I fashioned four pairs of earrings - or was it three and a half as one had been begun previously but abandoned when I ran out of jump rings. Anyway they are all sweet and attractive but all derivative of earlier designs so no new inspiration hit, but I was productive.
I have to play domestic goddess today, but hope to get some time to work on some writing. I particpate in a writing/roleplay community site called Panhistoria and tomorrow when I have time to log in there, I will need to be posting as there are big happenings in one of the stories I write in. It's a fun site, quite addictive (if you like to write or you used to love to play dress up or pretend as a kid) once you get the hang of it, and I have always had to learn to restrict myself timewise there, or I would never get my work done, or my jewelry made, or my paintings painted!
You know I had some big thoughts about what my next blog would be about, like the environment or music or some incredible inspirational insights I had, but I've just rambled. If you have read this far, I salute you. Oh! Breaking news, my work is featured in another treasury this morning, yah! I must be doing something right because that's the third in a row.
And just to be sure I have some substance here is a little video for you to watch:
Congrats on the front page. It definitely helps sales along...
I love the psa. Sarah Silverman cracks me up. Had to turn the volume down, didn't expect to hear some words I am not ready to hear come out of my boys' mouths.
Congrats on your treasury making the front page!
I saw that video a few weeks ago...the part where Sarah S. removes her bra...ha!
OMGosh! CONGRATULATIONS on your FRONT PAGE treasury!! I KNOW you must have been THRILLED! the first time i'm on the front page i KNOW im going to PEE MY PANTS! LMAO
thank you SO MUCH for the follow and lots of luck!
siempre - dorana
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